CRISSP Seminar: Alain Kihm
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series: Alain Kihm on October 7, 2013.
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series: Alain Kihm on October 7, 2013.
Marijke De Belder and Marjo van Koppen will give a presentation at CGSW on October 5: “Looking into ANN-compounds: idiolectal variation”.
Koen Roelandt gave a presentation at the ESSLLI 2013 Student Session in Düsseldorf.
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series. Stephanie Solt will give a seminar November 4, 2013.
CRISSP is happy to announce a new lecture series by Rick Nouwen.
The first Call for Papers for GLOW 37 has been published. The 37th annual meeting of GLOW will consist of three events: the main colloquium, two workshops, and a Spring School. It will be hosted by CRISSP.
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck is invited speaker at the ‘Identity in Ellipsis’ conference in Leiden (The Netherlands).
Dany Jaspers presented his work in a poster session, a presentation and several lectures in Lund and Brazil.
CRISSP will organize the 37th annual meeting of GLOW in Brussels on April 2-11, 2014 . It will consist of three events: the main colloquium, two workshops, and a Spring School.
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series. Mike Kestemont will give a seminar entitled ‘Lezen vanop afstand. Digital Humanities en de computationele analyse van middeleeuwse literatuur.’