BCGL9 Program Online
The program for BCGL 9: Phase Theory is now available. You can consult it on the following web page:
The program for BCGL 9: Phase Theory is now available. You can consult it on the following web page:
CRISSP is happy to announce a new CRISSP Seminar with Beata Moskal on Thursday October 13.
The title and the abstract for the Wurmbrand Lectures are now available: Title: Variable clause size cross-linguistically: The extent and significance of restructuring Abstract: Read the abstract (PDF) The Lecture Series will take place on November 8, 9, and 10. > More information
CRISSP is proud to present the ninth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to Phase Theory, on December 13-14, 2016.
Sabine Iatridou will give a lecture series on tense and aspect on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Also on Friday, Jan-Wouter Zwart will give a seminar entitled ‘Periphrastic morphology, verb clusters, and verb movement’.
CRISSP is proud to present the ninth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to Phase Theory, on December 13-14, 2016.
Tanja Temmerman and Will Harwood will give a talk at New Ways of Analyzing Syntactic Variation 2 (NWASV 2) on May 19-20, 2016.
The title and the abstract for the Iatridou Lectures are now available: Title: Fancy Games with Tense and Aspect Abstract: Read the abstract (PDF) The Lecture Series will take place on May 25, 26 and 27. > More information
Guido Vanden Wyngaerd and Karen De Clercq (UGent) will present a poster at The West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 34.
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck will give talks at GLOW 39, CamCos 5 and at the workshop Dealing with bad data in linguistic theory.