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Monday Dec 19, 2011 (room Hermes 6303)
9:30 10:00 Registration
10:00 10:40 Laura Migliori (LUCL) Agreement at narrow syntax, at PF, or both. Evidence from Latin.
10:40 11:20 Anke Assmann (Leipzig University) Interclausal Agreement: Switch Reference in Quechua
11:20 11:50 Break
11:50 12:50 Invited speaker: Milan ?ezá? (Paris 8/CNRS) Phi-agreement in the architecture of language: semantics, morphology — and syntax
12:50 14:40 Lunch
14:40 15:20 Erik Schoorlemmer (MIT) Cross-linguistic variation in agreement on Germanic predicative adjectives
15:20 16:00 Javier Ormazabal (University of the Basque Country) & Juan Romero (University of Extremadura) Choosing Goals
16:00 16:30 Break
16:30 17:30 Invited Speaker: Omer Preminger (MIT/Harvard (Polinsky Lab)) Filters vs. Triggers: Deriving the obligatoriness of agreement
Tuesday Dec 20, 2011 (room Hermes 6303)
9:30 10:00 Coffee
10:00 11:00 Invited Speaker: Marjo van Koppen (Utrecht University) The directionality of Agree
11:00 11:30 Break
11:30 12:10 Ellen Brandner (Universität Konstanz) A new perspective on Complementizer agreement
12:10 12:50 Doreen Georgi (Leipzig University) Local Person Portmanteaux and Hierarchy Effects: A Unified Approach
12:50 14:40 Lunch
14:40 15:20 Enrico Boone (LUCL) Agree after Linearization
15:20 16:00 Olaf Koeneman & Hedde Zeijlstra (University of Amsterdam) One law for the rich and another for the poor: The rich agreement hypothesis resurrected