
Thursday December 15, 2016 – Room 6303
9:00 10:00 Invited speaker: Luigi Rizzi (University of Siena) Intervention Locality in grammar and language acquisition
10:00 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 11:00 Jolijn Sonnaert (CRISSP) Plural is not ‘+3rd person’
11:00 11:30 Tanja Temmerman (CRISSP) (joint work with Will Harwood (KU Leuven), Marko Hladnik (Utrecht), and Sterre Leufkens (Utrecht)) On the syntactic regularity of idioms: New evidence from Dutch dialects
11:30 12:00 Cora Pots (CRISSP) Te-placement in Dutch infinitival three-verb clusters
12:00 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 14:30 Invited speaker: Angelika Kratzer (UMass) (joint work with Lisa Selkirk (UMAss)) Deconstructing information structure
14:30 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 15:30 Dany Jaspers (CRISSP) On Kinship and Contrast in the Lexicon
15:30 16:00 Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (CRISSP) and Karen De Clercq (FWO/U Gent) Splitting up the comparative: evidence from Czech
16:00 16:30 Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (CRISSP) Quantity and quality in linguistics
16:30 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 18:00 Invited speakers: Roberta d’Alessandro (ULeiden) and Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Institute) Gravitational grammar
18:00 Drinks (in Hermes 1, room 6112 – Foyer)