Category Archives: Events

BCGL 11: First Call for Papers

CRISSP is proud to present the eleventh instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to the syntax and semantics of aspect.

BCGL 11: The syntax and semantics of aspect
Brussels, December 10-11, 2018.

We are pleased to announce that the following invited speakers have agreed to give a talk at BCGL 11:

Workshop description

The properties and representations of aspect have been studied extensively from both syntactic and semantic perspectives, as well as their interfaces. As for the syntax, a central question is how aspectual notions such as telicity, duration, cause and change are represented in syntax. Approaches range from the minimalist structure of Erteschik-shir & Rapoport (2005), to a more fine-grained functional structure as proposed by Ramchand (2008), or with a clear differentiation between outer (external, presentational) and inner (internal, Aktionsart) aspect, as proposed by Travis (2010). The semantics of aspect has also been widely studied. As in the syntax, a distinction is often made between outer and inner aspect, with tense scoping over grammatical (outer) aspect, and grammatical aspect scoping over aspectual class (inner aspect). This layered structure makes it possible to investigate (crosslinguistic variation in) the interaction between the lexical features of the verb, the semantics of the predicate-argument structure, the expression of progressive and perfective/imperfective aspect, and other elements in the sentence which can carry aspectual information (e.g. certain adverbs/adverbial phrases, negation). The aim of this workshop is to explore these and related issues

The submission deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2018.

> Read the complete Call for Papers or go the conference webpage

LNAT 4: First Call for Papers

CRISSP is proud to present the fourth instalment of the Logic Now And Then (LNAT), devoted to scales in language and logic.

LNAT 4: Scales in language and logic
Brussels, September 20-21, 2018.

Invited speakers

The submission deadline for abstracts is June 15, 2018.

> Read the complete Call for Papers

BCGL 10: Second Call for Papers

CRISSP is proud to present the tenth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to the morphology and semantics of person and number.

BCGL 10: The Morphology and Semantics of Person and Number
Brussels, December 4-5, 2017.

Invited speakers

Workshop description

Person (in pronominal elements such as independent pronouns, pronominal clitics and affixes and agreement markers) is often believed to be a universal morphosynctactic category in language, which shows great variation in its morphology (Forchheimer 1953; Siewierska 2004; Cysouw 2003). This can be seen in for example the different syncretism patterns that exist between the individual persons and across the numbers. Many accounts of person and number paradigms aim to explain these syncretism patterns by giving a feature-based analysis, such as a.o. Harley & Ritter (2002); Baerman et al. (2005); Bobaljik (2008); Harbour (2016); Ackema & Neeleman (2017). Person and number also show variation in the morphological composition of the individual pronominal elements, in some cases resulting in a markedness hierarchy (Zwicky 1977; Corbett 2000; Moskal 2014; Smith et al. 2016). Consider for example the fact that the morphological form for the inclusive can properly contain that of the exclusive and also vice versa. In this case, there appears to be no morphological markedness relation. However, for number, the plural can contain the morpheme for singular but not vice versa (e.g. Daniel 2005; Nichols & Peterson 2013; Harbour 2016). Semantic distinctions also play a role in markedness relations. For example, third person is a non-participant and therefore different from first and second (e.g. Silverstein 1976). For number, semantic markedness has been argued to be the opposite of morphological markedness, with singular as the more marked category (Sauerland 2008). The aim of this workshop is to explore these and related issues.

The submission deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2017.

> Read the complete Call for Papers

BCGL 10: First Call for Papers

CRISSP is proud to present the tenth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to the morphology and semantics of person and number.

BCGL 10: The Morphology and Semantics of Person and Number
Brussels, December 4-5, 2017.

Invited speakers

Workshop description

Person (in pronominal elements such as independent pronouns, pronominal clitics and affixes and agreement markers) is often believed to be a universal morphosynctactic category in language, which shows great variation in its morphology (Forchheimer 1953; Siewierska 2004; Cysouw 2003). This can be seen in for example the different syncretism patterns that exist between the individual persons and across the numbers. Many accounts of person and number paradigms aim to explain these syncretism patterns by giving a feature-based analysis, such as a.o. Harley & Ritter (2002); Baerman et al. (2005); Bobaljik (2008); Harbour (2016); Ackema & Neeleman (2017). Person and number also show variation in the morphological composition of the individual pronominal elements, in some cases resulting in a markedness hierarchy (Zwicky 1977; Corbett 2000; Moskal 2014; Smith et al. 2016). Consider for example the fact that the morphological form for the inclusive can properly contain that of the exclusive and also vice versa. In this case, there appears to be no morphological markedness relation. However, for number, the plural can contain the morpheme for singular but not vice versa (e.g. Daniel 2005; Nichols & Peterson 2013; Harbour 2016). Semantic distinctions also play a role in markedness relations. For example, third person is a non-participant and therefore different from first and second (e.g. Silverstein 1976). For number, semantic markedness has been argued to be the opposite of morphological markedness, with singular as the more marked category (Sauerland 2008). The aim of this workshop is to explore these and related issues.

The submission deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2017.

> Read the complete Call for Papers

BCGL 9: Second Call for Papers

CRISSP is proud to present the ninth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to Phase Theory.

BCGL 9: Phase Theory
Brussels, December 13-14, 2016.

Invited speakers

Workshop description

Throughout the history of generative grammar, there have been various ways of implementing locality effects, for example through Transformational Cycles (Chomsky 1965; Kayne 1969) or Barriers (Chomsky 1986). Phase Theory (Uriagereka 1999; Chomsky 2000, 2001) constitutes the most recent development in this line of thinking. It is often argued that there exist discrete structural domains in natural language that exhibit a degree of syntactic, semantic, and phonological independence from their surrounding linguistic environment. Phase Theory offers a tool for understanding such domains. However, since the inception of phases, there have been many different proposals about the specific formalization of this concept, along with much debate about the extent to which phases can be evidenced empirically (and indeed whether phases exist at all). The aim of this workshop is to discuss the empirical validity and theoretical specifics of Phase Theory.
The submission deadline for abstracts is September 1, 2016.

Read the complete Call for Papers


BCGL 9 will be followed by CRISSP 10, a one-day workshop celebrating the 10th anniversary of the research institute CRISSP featuring invited presentations by Luigi Rizzi, Alec Marantz, and Angelika Kratzer, among others.