CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP Seminar series:
Author Archives: Ray
Two new projects at CRISSP
CRISSP is happy to announce that it has obtained funding for two new research projects:
- Comparatives under the microscope (COMIC), a KU Leuven-funded C1-project awarded to Guido Vanden Wyngaerd, Dany Jaspers, and Jeroen van Craenenbroeck
- The grammar of imperatives and the imperatives of grammar (GIIG), a Global PhD Partnership between KU Leuven and Stellenbosch University, awarded to Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Theresa Biberauer
We will be posting job openings for the COMIC-project soon, so stay tuned!
BCGL 13: First Call for Papers
CRISSP is proud to present the thirteenth installment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to the syntax and semantics of clausal complementation
The submission deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2020.
Read the complete Call for Papers or go the conference webpage
Polinsky Lectures canceled
In light of new measures taken by the university to contain the spread of the new corona virus, we unfortunately have to cancel the Polinsky Lectures.
The Polinsky Lectures
CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Lecture Series:
Edoardo Cavirani in the news
In the context of his project on gender and number microvariation CRISSP postdoc Edoardo Cavirani is conducting fieldwork in the northern part of Italy. He’s looking for competent dialect speakers in the Lunigiana region. Two local newspapers, La Voce Apuana and Città di Sarzana, are helping him in this quest, by describing his research to their readership and inviting possible informants to contact Edoardo.
BCGL 12 Program Online
The program for BCGL 12: Suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretism is now available. You can consult it here
BCGL 12 will take place in Brussels on December 16 and December 17, 2019. For more information, see the conference website.
CRISSP Seminar with Noam Faust
CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP Seminar series:
CRISSP Seminar with Jean Lowenstamm
CRISSP is happy to announce a new installment in the CRISSP Seminar series:
BCGL 12: Second Call for Papers
CRISSP is proud to present the twelfth instalment of the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL), devoted to suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretism.
BCGL 12: Suppletion, allomorphy, and syncretism
Brussels, December 16-17, 2019.
We are pleased to announce that the following invited speakers have agreed to give a talk at BCGL 12:
- Heidi Harley (U of Tucson, Arizona)
- Hagit Borer (QMUL, London)
- Michal Starke (Masaryk U, Brno)
Workshop description
Suppletion is a form of morphological irregularity whereby a change in a grammatical category triggers a change in word form, with a different (suppletive) root substituting for the normal one (e.g. in the past tense of go, the irregular form went replaces the regular goed). Allomorphy is (in a certain sense) the mirror image of suppletion, namely a change in the form of an affix that is triggered by the presence of a particular type of root (e.g with the root ox the irregular plural morpheme –en replaces the regular form –s). Both suppletion and allomorphy raise the question of how to get the correct distribution of forms: how to pair the correct root with the correct allomorph, and how to correctly restrict the occurrence of the suppletive roots. If all lexical insertion is done at terminal nodes, then suppletion and allomorphy point to some ‘action at a distance’: a head α influences the realisation of another head β (e.g. the V and the T node in the case of go + pst, the N and the Num node in the case of ox + pl). This raises the question of locality: how far apart can α and β be? A range of different views has been proposed in the literature, such as the claim that α and β are local if no overt node intervenes (Embick, 2010; Calabrese, 2015), if they form a span (Abels & Muriungi, 2008; Svenonius, 2016; Merchant, 2015; Haugen & Siddiqi, 2016), if they belong to the same phase (Moskal, 2013a; Embick, 2010; Moskal, 2015), if α is accessible to β (Moskal, 2013b; Moskal & Smith, 2016), if no XP or Xn (n > 0) intervenes (Bobaljik 2012 and Bobaljik & Harley 2017 respectively), if no γ intervenes (Siegel, 1978; Allen, 1978; Embick, 2003; Bobaljik, 2012; Kilbourn-Ceron et al., 2016), or if they form a constituent (Caha, 2017a; De Clercq & Vanden Wyngaerd, 2017).
Syncretism is the identity of forms across different (but related) grammatical categories (e.g. the pronoun you is both 2sg and 2pl). Syncretism is widely believed to be informative about the underlying grammatical system, across a variety of approaches, whether typological (Haspelmath, 2003), formal (Caha, 2009; Bobaljik & Sauerland, 2013), or paradigm-based (McCreight & Chvany, 1991; Plank, 1991; Johnston, 1996; Wiese, 2008). Syncretism may accordingly be used to structure paradigms in such a way that syncretic cells are always adjacent, i.e. avoiding ABA patterns. Caha’s (2009) study of *ABA patterns in Case marking paradigms furthermore interprets syncretism in terms of structural containment: if the structure of the more complex Case suffixes properly contains that of the less complex ones, then *ABA follows. The study of syncretism in morphology in this approach translates into a study of underlying structural relationships.
The submission deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2019.
Read the complete Call for Papers or go the conference webpage