Author Archives: Ray

Auxiliaries and Structural Gaps – Current Issues in Nanosyntax

CRISSP is happy to announce the Starke Lectures, a three-day lecture series by Michal Starke:

Lecturer: Michal Starke (University of Tromsø)

Title: Auxiliaries and structural gaps – current issues in Nanosyntax

Date & time: 18, 20, 22 March 2013, 10.00-13.00

Location: CRISSP/Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Stormstraat 2, room 3201.


In these lectures, I will follow up on some traditional themes of nanosyntax (such as Germanic verbal morphology) and will look at several topics that remain mysterious in current syntactic research, such as the structure and order of auxiliaries, the nature of so-called 'categories', the still-unsolved problem of affix-hopping, the so-called Bobaljik-paradox for cartography, etc. I will strive to derive properties of these phenomena without adding to the spartan theoretical apparatus of nanosyntax, mostly by tracing them back to the interaction between phrasal spellout and hostile environments for phrasal spellout: structures with gaps in them, stretches of structure that are not constituents, etc. 

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Jeroen van Craenenbroeck at GLOW

Jeroen van Craenenbroeck will be present at the 36th GLOW colloquium on April 2-6, 2013 in Lund. He will give the following talk: 

  • Craenenbroeck, J. van & Koppen, M. van "Lexical items merged in functional heads: The grammaticalization path of ECM-verbs in Dutch dialects" GLOW workshop on Syntactic Variation and Change, April 2, 2013.

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Jeroen van Craenenbroeck at DGfS

Jeroen van Craenenbroeck will be present at the Theme Sessions of the 35th Annual Conference of the
German Linguistic Society in Potsdam. He will give the following talks:

  • Barros, Matt & Craenenbroeck, J. van "Tag questions and 'pseudo'-ellipsis", DGfS Theme Session on "Parenthesis and Ellipsis: Cross-Linguistic and Theoretical Perspectives", 13-15 March 2013.
  • Craenenbroeck, J. van & Koppen, M. van "Object movement feeds subject doubling: an anti-intervention effect in the Dutch dialects", DGfS Theme Session on "Interaction of Syntactic Primitives", 13-15 March 2013.

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Several CRISSP members will be present at the TIN-dag and will give a talk there:

  • Marijke De Belder & Marjo van Koppen (Utrecht University)  (11:30-11:55, room 0.03)
    High fashion in the low countries: AN(N) compounds in Dutch.
  • Dany Jaspers  (11:30-11:55, room 1.01)
    More nonnatural concepts. 
  • Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (13:30-14:00, room 0.03)
    Do extension gaps exist? 
  • Marijke De Belder (14:00-14:30, room 1.02)
    Linking phonemes are class markers.
More information can be found at the TIN-dag website:

CRISSP Seminar: Sjef Barbiers

CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series:

Lecturer: Sjef Barbiers (The Meertens Institute)

Title: Stranding and successive cyclic movement

Date & time: November 26 2012, 17.30-19.00

Location: CRISSP/Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Stormstraat 2 (Hermes building), room 4212

Participation: free