Recent CRISSP activities, publications, and papers:
- De Clercq K., Caha P., Starke M., Vanden Wyngaerd G. (to appear) Nanosyntax. In Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, eds. H. Nesi and P. Mitin, Elsevier.
- Cavirani, E. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (to appear) A representational account of Czech palatalization. Phonology.
- Caha, P., De Clercq, K., Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2024). The split-comparative hypothesis and the morphology of comparative adverbs in Czech. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 32 (FASL 31), 1-20.
- Caha, P., De Clercq, K., Vanden Wyngaerd, G. with Caha, P. (2024). Allomorphy without Context Specification: A Case Study of Czech Adjectival Stems. Morphology, 34, 457-500.
- De Clercq, K., Caha, P., Starke, M., Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2023). Degree Morphology. In: P. Ackema, E. Bonet, S. Bendjaballah, A. Fábregas (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology, (1-42). Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-119-69357-4. doi: 10.1002/9781119693604.morphcom024
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G., Cavirani, E. (2024). Che cazzo di articolo di merda! In: A. Himmelreich, D. Hole, J. Mursell (Eds.), To the left, to the right, and much in between: A Festschrift for Katharina Hartmann, (337-350). Frankfurt am Main: Goethe Universität Frankfurt. ISBN: 978-3-00-077791-2. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/3FX4M
- Cavirani, Edoardo & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2024. A representational analysis of Czech palatalization. Réseau français de phonologie, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, 26–28 June 2024.
- Cavirani, Edoardo, Cora Cavirani-Pots & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2024. Two ways to be expressive. The case of Italian expressive cazzo and merda. Functional categories, dimensions of meaning, and explosiveness, UAB, Barcelona. 12–14 June 2024.
- Vyshnevska, Amastasiia. 2024. The nanosyntax of Ukrainian adjectives and adverbs. FASL 33, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 19 May 2024.
- Craenenbroeck, Jeroen van & Kyle Johnson. 2024. Sloppy symmetry under ellipsis. Ms. KU Leuven/Meertens Institute/UMass.
- Vyshnevska, Amastasiia. 2024. Comparing Slavic comparatives. NanoDays, Brno, 7–8 February 2024.
- Cavirani, Edoardo & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2024. On the morphophonology of Czech adjectives. NanoDays, Brno, 7–8 February 2024.
- Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, Michal Starke, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2024. Nanosyntax: state of the art and recent developments. NanoDays, Brno, 7–8 February 2024.
- Cavirani, Edoardo & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2024. A representational analysis of Czech palatalisation. De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2024.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasiia & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Adjectives and adverbs. Nanolab, 17 November 2023.
- Yu, Jianrong & L. Heynen. 2023. Degrees and manners as kinds: Evidence from Dutch equatives. Linguistics in the Netherlands 40(1):263–284.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora & Engela De Villiers. 2023. Univerbation in Afrikaans verbal diminutives. Linguistics in the Netherlands 40(1):23–38
- Wyngaerd, Guido Vanden & Anastasiia Vyshnevska. 2023. Making sense of Comparative Allomorphy in Slavic. Linguists Day of the Linguistic Society of Belgium, University of Antwerp, 13 October 2023.
- Cavirani, Edoardo. 2023. Illusions in the DP domain. Syntax-phonology mismatches in Italo-Romance GENDER and NUMBER systems. SinFonIJa 16, Masaryk University, Brno, 21 September 2023.
- Wyngaerd, Guido Vanden & Anastasiia Vyshnevska. 2023. Making sense of Comparative Allomorphy in Slavic. SinFonIJa 16, Masaryk University, Brno, 21 September 2023.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasia & Lena Heynen. 2023. Dedicated phrasal and clausal standard markers in Ukrainian. SinFonIJa 16, Masaryk University, Brno, 21 September 2023.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasia. 2023. The nanosyntax of Ukrainian deadjectival verbs. SLE 56, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 30 August 2023.
- Smith, Ryan Walter, Josep Ausensi, and Jianrong Yu. 2023. A process semantics for non-selected subject resultatives in English. 2023 Annual meeting of the LAGB, Anglia Ruskin University, Uk, 29 August–1 September 2023.
- Zhu Jialei & Yu Jianrong. 2023. The Lexical Semantics of Motion Verbs 奔, 走, and 跑 in Shanghainese: Implications for Theories of Verbal Meaning. Wu Colloquium 吴方言语法研讨会, Zhejiang University (online), 5 August 2023.
- Biberauer, Theresa and Cora Cavirani-Pots. 2023. The IPP effect in Afrikaans: something old, something new. Diachronic Germanic Syntax 24, Université Paris Cité, Paris, 4–7 July 2023.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora. 2023. Unexpected morphosyntax in Dutch and Afrikaans varieties. REEDS 2023, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 29–30 June 2023.
- Cavirani, Edoardo and Laurence Madonna. 2023. On PL partial concord in Lunigiana varieties. REEDS 2023, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, 29–30 June 2023.
- Biberauer, T. and Cora Cavirani-Pots. 2023. The IPP Effect in Afrikaans: Southern African
Variations on a West Germanic Theme. Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics 15(2): 39–54. - Craenenbroeck, Jeroen van and Marjo van Koppen. 2023. Parameters and language contact: morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 22:1–25.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora, Engela De Villiers, and Dany Jaspers. 2023. More species in the affixal forest. The case of Dutch and Afrikaans -el and -er. TNTL 139(1): 1–28.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasia. 2023. The nanosyntax of Ukrainian deadjectival verbs. Olinco, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, 8–10 June 2023.
- Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Diminutive adjectives in Czech as evidence for a rich internal structure of gradable adjectives. Olinco, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, 8–10 June 2023.
- Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Zero morphology and change-of-state verbs. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 42(1): 35–62.
- Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Diminutive adjectives in Czech as evidence for a rich internal structure of gradable adjectives. CRISSP-workshop Degrees: Generative Perspectives (DeGP), KU Leuven, 1–2 June 2023.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasia. 2023. The nanosyntax of Ukrainian deadjectival verbs. FASL 32, Indiana University, 19–21 May 2023.
- Yu, Jianrong. 2023. Equatives across categories in Germanic Implications for the ontology of degrees and manners. Talk at the University of Manchester, 15 May 2023.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora and Mike Putnam. 2023. Prefixoids ≠ Prefixes: Not all inseparable verbal compounds are (underlyingly) the same. Talk at the Morpho-Syn Syndicate @ Penn State, 1 May 2023.
- Johnson, Kyle and Jeroen van Craenenbroeck. 2023. Limits on participant switching. Workshop on argument structure, case and agreement, and ellipsis at the 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 26 April 2023.
- Johnson, Kyle and Jeroen van Craenenbroeck. 2023. Sloppy symmetry: a derivational account of symmetric predicates. 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 24–25 April 2023.
- Ausensi, Josep, Ryan Walter Smith, and Jianrong Yu. 2023. The roots of strong and weak resultatives in English and Spanish. The 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG 32) University of the Basque Country in Vitoria-Gasteiz, April 24–25, 2023.
- Cavirani, Edo. 2023. Dittongo mobile no allomorphy, just phonology. GLOW Workshop on non-automatic alternations in phonology, University of Vienna, 15 April 2023.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora and Engela De Villiers. 2023 Univerbation in Afrikaans verbal diminutives. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven–Stellenbosch University.
- Walter Smith, Ryan and Jianrong Yu. 2023. Resultatives and the Semantics of Verbal Roots. Resultatives: New approaches and renewed perspectives, National University of Singapore, 20–22 March 2023.
- Ausensi, Josep, Ryan Walter Smith, and Jianrong Yu. 2023. On Multiple Resultatives: Implications for the Unique Path Constraint. Resultatives: New approaches and renewed perspectives, National University of Singapore, 20–22 March 2023.
- Heynen, Lena. 2023. A unified account of Dutch adjectival and verbal equatives. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2023.
- Heynen, Lena and Jianrong Yu. 2023. Equating by quantifying over kinds
Zo…als equatives in Dutch and beyond. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2023. - Yu, Jianrong, Josep Ausensi, and Ryan Walter Smith. 2023. States and changes-of-state in the semantics of result roots: Evidence from resultative constructions. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.
- Cavirani, Edoardo. 2023. On the representational complexity of silence and its morphosyntactic benefits. Phex 13, 12 February 2023.
- De Villiers, Engela. 2023. En laat/dat ek nou net die koek laat val het! Laat-V1 constructions in Afrikaans. Ms. Stellenbosch University–KU Leuven–CRISSP.
- Cavirani, Edoardo and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Che cazzo di articolo di merda! Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2023.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora and Engela de Villiers. 2023. Skammel, napper, no clue?
On the loss of the -el and -er suffixes in Afrikaans. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2023. - Vyshnevska, Anastasia. 2023. Comparing Slavic comparatives. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2023.
- Biberauer, Theresa and Cora Cavirani-Pots. 2023. The IPP effect in Afrikaans: something old, something new. Ms. Cambridge University–KU Leuven–CRISSP.
- Yu, Jianrong. 2023. Comparisons of equality across languages. Degrees, manners, and kinds as grammatical primitives. Invited talk at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 3 February 2023.
- Heynen, Lena. 2023. Another mixed case: deep and surface properties of the Dutch dat doen-anaphor. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven.
- Caha, Pavel, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2023. Allomorphy without context specification: a case study of Czech n. NELS 53, University of Göttingen, 12–14 January 2023.
- Yu, Jianrong and Lena Heynen. 2023. Equating by quantifying over kinds: Zo…als equatives in Dutch and beyond. Linguistic Society of America 97th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 5–8 January 2023.
- Heynen, Lena and Jianrong Yu. 2023. Equating by quantifying over kinds: Zo…als equatives in Dutch. NELS 53, University of Göttingen, 12–14 January 2023.
- Ausensi, Josep, Ryan Walter Smith, and Jianrong Yu. 2023. The roots of strong and weak resultatives in English and Spanish. Linguistic Society of America 97th Annual Meeting, January 5-8, 2023.
- Cavirani, Edoardo and Silke Hamann. 2022. Formalising phonological perception: the role of voicing assimilation in consonant cluster perception in Emilian dialects. To appear in Journal of Linguistics 60.
- De Villiers, Engela. 2022. An innovated prohibitive marker in Afrikaans negative imperatives. CGSW 36, The University of Chicago, 14–15 October 2022.
- De Villiers, Engela, Cora Cavirani-Pots, and Dany Jaspers. 2022. More species in the affixal forest. The case of Dutch and Afrikaans -el and -er. CGSW 36, The University of Chicago, 14–15 October 2022.
- Cavirani, Edoardo. 2022. Ageing nuclei. A formal approach to vowel (dis)appearance in Lunigiana dialects. Talk in the Epenthesis talk series, Stony Brook, 14 October 2022.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasiia. 2022. The comparative in Ukrainian: suffixes, augments, and root sizes. Formal Description of Slavic Languages 15, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 5–7 October 2022.
- Yu, Jianrong and Lena Heynen. 2022. Equating by quantifying over kinds: Zo…als equatives in Dutch. CGSW 36, The University of Chicago, 14–15 October 2022.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora and Peter Dirix. 2022. On contrastive reduplication: adding Dutch to the Germanic typology. Ms. KU Leuven.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora. 2022. Formalizing expressive morphosyntax. How language organizes the expression of emotion through grammar. Undergraduate seminar, Penn State University, 10 October 2022.
- Cavirani-Pots, Cora. 2022. Roots in progress. A case study on Dutch semi-lexical verbs. Morpho-Syn Syndicate meeting, Penn State University, 10 October 2022.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasiia. 2022. The comparative in Ukrainian: suffixes, augments, and root sizes. SinFonIJa 15, 22–24 September, 2022, Udine, Italy.
- Walter Smith, Ryan and Jianrong Yu. 2022. Subjectless Presuppositions and Severing the External Argument. LAGB 2022, Ulster University, Belfast, 12–15 September 2022.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasiia. 2022. The comparative in Ukrainian: suffixes, augments, and root sizes. 20th International Morphology Meeting, 1–4 September, 2022, Budapest, Hungary.
- Walter Smith, Ryan and Jianrong Yu. 2022. Resultatives and the semantics of verbal roots. LAGB 2022, Ulster University, Belfast, 12–15 September 2022.
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2022). Perspective, demonstrations, and free indirect speech. In: C. Bourgoin, L. Vandelanotte, W. Van Praet, J-C. Verstraete (Eds.), Signs and wonders. Liber amicorum for Kristin Davidse, (121-126). Procopia. ISBN: 9789070192167.
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2022. Comparative adverbs in Czech. SLE 55, 24–27 August 2022.
- Vyshnevska, Anastasiia. 2022. There is more to the morphology of –š/-iš: the comparative in Ukrainian. CreteLing, July 2022.
- Angelopoulos, Nikos, Dafni-Vaia Bagioka, and Arhonto Terzi. 2022. Exploring syntactically encoded evidentiality. Language Acquisition 1–26.
- Cavirani, Edoardo. 2022. Dittongo mobile and other diphthongs: no allomorphy, just phonology. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 2022.03 (Volume 44).
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2022. Comparing comparatives: adverbs and adjectives in Morava Czech. FASL 31, 24–26 June 2022.
- Belder, M. de & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2022. WISE-adverbs and the functional hierarchy: a case study. Workshop on adverbs and adverbials at the form-meaning interface. University of Göttingen, 18-20 May 2022.
- Cavirani E. (2022), Review of Sabrina Bendjaballah, Ali Tifrit and Laurence Voeltzel (eds.) (2021). Perspectives on Element Theory. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Phonology
- Angelopoulos, N., E. Geronikou, and A. Terzi. 2022. Locality and intervention in the acquisition of Greek relative clauses. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven/University of Patras.
- Angelopoulos, N. 2022. Nominalization of clauses: the clausal prolepsis strategy. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven.
- Angelopoulos, N. 2022. Clausal prolepsis: an overview. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven.
- Cavirani, E. 2022. Silent lateral actors: the role of unpronounced nuclei in morpho-phonological analyses. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven (accepted for publication in The Linguistic Review).
- Smith, R.W. & J. Yu. 2022. Introducing arguments redux. Colloquium talk University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 8 April 2022.
- Heynen, Lena. 2022. I am taller than how you. A spanning analysis of standard markers in Kerkrade Dutch comparatives. GLAC 28, University of Georgia, Athens, 31 March–2 April 2022.
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2022. Root suppletion and phrasal lexicalisation: support from Korean. Morpho-Syn Syndicate Speaker Series & Reading Group, 28 March 2022.
- Smith, R.W. & J. Yu. 2022. Indexicals in the semantics of stative verbs and beyond. Ms. University of Texas at El Paso & CRISSP/KU Leuven.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. & P. Dirix. 2022. Reduplication in West Germanic: a comparison of Dutch, Afrikaans, and American English. Germanic Sandwich, University of Cologne, 17 March 2022.
- Heynen, L. 2022. Ich bin grosser dan wietstu. A split CP-analysis of standard markers in Kerkrade Dutch comparatives. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 4 February 2022.
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2022. Derived verbs in Dutch. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 4 February 2022.
- Vyshnevska, A. 2022. There is more to the morphology of –š/-iš: the comparative in Ukrainian. Grote Taaldag, Utrecht University, 4 February 2022.
- Cavirani, E. 2022. Turbid strict CV. Silent lateral actors in Arabic. Invited talk at the Atelier de Phonologie, Paris8/CNRS, 17 February 2022.
- Cavirani, E. 2022. Silent lateral actors in Arabic. OCP 19, University of Deusto, Spain, 26–28 January 2022.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. & P. Dirix. 2021. Reduplication or reduplicátion-reduplication? A contrastive study of reduplication processes in Afrikaans and Dutch. Ms. KU Leuven.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. 2021. Semi-lexicality and optionality. Grammaticalisation of Afrikaans ‘loop’, ‘sit’, ‘staan’, and ‘lê’. Talk at SAMWOP 9, University of the Western Cape, 2 December 2021.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. 2021. Semi-lexicality, or, how to grammaticalise a root. Poster at NELS 52, Rutgers, 29–31 October 2021.
- Angelopoulos, N. 2021. Nominalization of clauses: the clausal prolepsis strategy. Talk at NELS 52, Rutgers, 29–31 October 2021.
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2021. Derived verbs in Dutch. Linguists’ Day, Linguistic Society of Belgium, 22 October 2021, Free University of Brussels.
- Heynen, Lena. 2021. Comparative movement out of Dutch VP-anaphors. Linguists’ Day, Linguistic Society of Belgium, 22 October 2021, Free University of Brussels.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. 2021. Afrikaans IPP doesn’t exist (anymore). Third Afrikaans Grammar Workshop, 30 September 2021, Amsterdam.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van and M. van Koppen. 2021. Morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects: theoretical vs. geographical distance. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven & Meertens Institute & UiL-OTS/Utrecht University.
- Heynen, Lena. 2021. Comparative movement out of Dutch VP-anaphors An elliptical analysis of Dutch dat doen ’do that’. University of Edinburgh Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2023, online, 1 June 2021.
- Cavirani-Pots, C., E. de Villiers, and D. Jaspers. 2021. Unexpected species in the affixes forest: the case of Dutch and Afrikaans -el and -er. Manuscript CRISSP/KU Leuven.
- Cavirani-Pots, C., E. de Villiers, and D. Jaspers. 2021. With ups and downs. Verbal diminutives in Dutch and Afrikaans. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 27, 13 May 2021, University of Wisconsin–Madison (online).
- Cavirani-Pots, C., M. De Belder, and H. Klockmann. 2021. Semi-lexicality: syntax or lexicon? GLOW, 15–17 April 2021.
- Cavirani-Pots, C. 2021. Dissecting semi-lexicality. Early grammaticalisation causing morphosyntactic variation. WCCFL 39. 8–11 April 2021, University of Arizona.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van. 2021. Germanic specCP-expletives revisited. The view from Dutch microvariation. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven/Meertens Institute.
- Angelopoulos, N., D. Bagioka, and A. Terzi. 2021. Exploring syntactically encoded evidentiality. Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven, Leiden University, and University of Patras.
- Cavirani, E. 2021. Dittongo mobile and g verbs. Reducing root allomorphy in Italian verbs. 18th Old World Conference on Phonology. 27–29 January 2021. University of the Balearic Islands.
- Angelopoulos, N. and D. Sportiche. 2021. Treating Greek o eaftos mu as a regular anaphor: Theoretical Implications. Ms. CRISSP & UCLA.
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2020. Zero morphology and change-of-state verbs. Linguistic Society of Belgium. 16 October 2020.
- Augustinus, L. & C. Cavirani-Pots. 2020. Give it a try! Comparing constructions with Dutch proberen and Afrikaans probeer. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- & Letterkunde 136(2).
- Angelopoulos, Nikos, Chris Collins, and Arhonto Terzi. 2020. Greek and English passives, and the role of by-phrases. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1): 90. 1–29. DOI:
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2020. Zero morphology and change-of-state verbs. SLE 53rd Annual Meeting/Workshop Derivational zero affixes. 26 August–1 September 2020.
- Jaspers, D. 2020. A Mentalist Look at Gaussian Clock Arithmetic. in: A.-V. Pietarinen et al. (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Heidelberg: Springer. 66–73.
- Clercq, K. De & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2019. On the idiomatic nature of unproductive morphology. In J. Berns and E. Tribushina (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2019. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 99-114.
- Clercq, K. De & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. 2019. Negative intervention in Dutch evaluative adverbs. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 2019.2 (volume 41).
- Cavirani, E. 2020. Ageing vowels: computation, representation, and variation. Atelier de phonologie, Structures Formelles du Langage Lab, Paris. 25 March 2020.
- Cavirani E. (to appear). Turbid Government. In C. Youngberg, F. Breit and Y. Yoshida (eds.), Government, Licensing and Elements: Phonology for Monik Charette. London: UCL Press.
- Angelopoulos, N. 2020. Complementizers as probes. ComSyn-talk, Leiden University, 4 June 2020.
- Angelopoulos, Nikos and Dominique Sportiche. 2020. Clitic dislocations and clitics in French and Greek: From interpretation to structure. Accepted in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
- Cavirani, Edoardo. Ageing vowels: computation, representation, and variation. Atelier de phonologie. Structures Formelles du Langage Lab, Paris, 25 March 2020.
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G., M. Starke, K. De Clercq and P. Caha. 2020. How to be positive. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 23. 1–34. DOI:
- Cavirani-Pots, C. 2020. Roots in Progress. Semi-lexicality in the Dutch and Afrikaans verbal domain PhD-dissertation, KU Leuven.
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. 2020. Root allomorphy in Spanish verbs. Presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 31 January 2020.
- Cavirani, E. and M. van Oostendorp. 2020. A theory of a theory of vowels. To appear in: K. Nasukawa (ed.), Morpheme-internal recursion in phonology. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. 21-32.
- Cavirani, E. (2020). ‘Ageing vowels: computation, representation & variation’, MorPhoVa, LLING (UMR-6310) & University of Nantes, Nantes, 17 January 2020.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & M. van Koppen. ‘Theoretische taalkunde in het digitale tijdperk. A match made in heaven’. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 135(4): 416-432. (paper)
- Temmerman, T. & J. van Craenenbroeck (2019). ‘Over corpora, intuïties, en idiomen’. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 135(4): 453-464. (paper)
- Smessaert, H., J. van Craenenbroeck, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). Basisbegrippen taalkunde. Morfologie en syntaxis. Leuven: ACCO. (link)
- Cavirani, E. & S. Hamann (2019). ‘The phonological perception of voicing assimilation in Emilian dialects’, Going Romance XXXIV. University of Leiden, 28 November 2019.
- Cavirani, E., & M. van Oostendorp (2019). Empty morphemes in Dutch dialect atlases: Reducing morphosyntactic variation by refining emptiness typology. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 88. DOI:
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & T. Temmerman (2019). ‘Against the in situ account of sluicing: the case of French’, NELS 50, MIT, Boston, 25-27 October 2019. (poster)
- De Clercq, K. & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). ‘On the idiomatic nature of unproductive morphology’, De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht, 2 February 2019. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2019). ‘Zeroes in derivational morphology. The case of conversion’. Connecting Roots and Affixes (CRAFF), Brno, 13-14 May 2019. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van, M. van Koppen, and A. Van den Bosch (2019). A quantitative-theoretical analysis of syntactic microvariation. Word order in Dutch verb clusters. Language 95(2): 333-370. (article)
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq, M. Starke & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). ‘How to be positive’. GLOW 42, Oslo, 7-11 May 2019. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & M. van Koppen (2019). ‘Untangling microvariation. A quantitative-qualitative analysis of morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects’, European Dialect Syntax Workshop IX, Glasgow, 22-23 March 2019. (slides)
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). ‘Phonology-free syntax’. ComSyn, Leiden, 21 March 2019. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & M. van Koppen (2019). ‘Clause-initial subject doubling in Dutch dialects. (Or: Liliane was right after all)’. In: Bağrıaçık, M., A. Breitbarth, and K. De Clercq (eds.), Mapping Linguistic Data. Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman. Ghent: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy. (paper)
- Pots, C. (2019) ‘Cross-continental clusters. Funky morphology in Afrikaans and Dutch verb clusters.’ UWC Seminar, Cape Town, 20 February 2019. (slides)
- Corver, N., J. van Craenenbroeck, W. Harwood, M. Hladnik, S. Leufkens, and T. Temmerman (2019). ‘Introduction: The compositionality and syntactic flexibility of verbal idioms’. Linguistics 57(4): 725-733. (paper)
- De Clercq, K. & G. Vanden Wyngaerd. (2019). ‘Explaining the generalisation on suppletion and PRE-marking’, Exploring Nanosyntax, LSA annual meeting, New York, 6 January 2019. (slides)
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2019). ‘On the difference between a
√ and a root’. Lingbuzz/004391. (paper) - Craenenbroeck, J. van (2019). Dialectologie en Nederlandse zinsbouw. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24(1): 39-68. (accepted version)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van (2019). Synchronie en diachronie in de Nederlandse zinsbouw. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24(1): 75-78. (accepted version)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). Unmerging analytic comparatives. Jezikoslovlje 19(3): 341-363. (paper)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘How progressives progress. The case of Dutch and Afrikaans’, LingLunch, UCL, 24 October 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘How progressives progress. The case of Dutch and Afrikaans’, Syntax Lab, Cambridge, 23 October 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. and L. Augustinus (2018). ‘Try to account for this: the probeer/proberen construction continuum in Afrikaans and Dutch’, Afrikaans Grammar Workshop, Ghent, 5-6 October 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. and K. Fraser (2018). ‘Being progressive and evaluative. Comparing Afrikaans and Dutch progressive verb clusters’, Afrikaans Grammar Workshop, Ghent, 5-6 October 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘Progressive microvariation. Grammaticalisation of the Dutch and Afrikaans periphrastic progressive’, CGSW 33, Göttingen, 27-28 September 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘Grammaticalising microvariation. What we can learn from Dutch and Afrikaans periphrastic progressives’, Oberseminar English Linguistics, Göttingen, June 26, 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘Towards a unified account of verbal morphology in West Germanic’, TEAM, Padova, June 14-15, 2018. (poster)
- Pots, C. (2018). ‘Keep on walking. Grammaticalisation of Dutch and Afrikaans periphrastic progressives’, Workshop on syntax and language variation, Utrecht, June 8, 2018. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). Suppletion and affix reduction. Lingbuzz/004095 (paper)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). Negation and the functional sequence. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory,
- Augustinus, L. and Pots, C (2018). ‘Give it a try! Comparing probeer/proberen constructions in Afrikaans and Dutch’, BKL Taaldag, May 25, 2018. (slides)
- Pots, C. and K. Fraser (2018). ‘Progressive evaluations. Comparing Dutch and Afrikaans periphrastic constructions’, CamCoS 7, Cambridge, May 10-12, 2018. (slides)
- Caha, P., K. De Clercq & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2018). ‘Insertion without competition: a case for Free Choice’, Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, June 7-9, 2018. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2018). ‘Here, there, where. Size tradeoffs in the expression of movement, direction, and location’, Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, June 7-9, 2018. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2018). ‘Here, there, where. Size tradeoffs in the expression of movement, direction, and location’, Linguistic Society of Belgium, Spring Meeting, Liege, May 25, 2018. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). Gelukkige verjaardag!. In: Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq, and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), The unpublished manuscript Lingbuzz/003993 (paper)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). Adjectives and negation: deriving contrariety from contradiction. Lingbuzz/003890 (paper)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2018). ‘Unmerging analytical comparatives’, Workshop on Shrinking Trees in Morphology, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Linguistik, 27 April 2018. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & M. van Koppen (2018). Phase avoidance through movement. Clitic interactions in Dutch dialects. Ms. KU Leuven/Utrecht University/Meertens Institute. (paper)
- Belder, M. De & G. Vanden Wyngaerd (2018). Zingenteere vergelijkenderwijs. In J. Ceuppens, H. Smessaert, J. van Craenenbroeck, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), A coat of many colors. Leuven. (paper)
- Jaspers, D. & H. Smessaert (2018). On the logical geometry of the tetrahedron. In J. Ceuppens, H. Smessaert, J. van Craenenbroeck, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), A coat of many colors. Leuven. (paper)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van (2018). Spatial deixis and pivot puzzles. In J. Ceuppens, H. Smessaert, J. van Craenenbroeck, and G. Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), A coat of many colors. Leuven. (paper)
- Sonnaert, J. (2018). The Atoms of Person: Limitations on Concept Formation. In K. Bellamy, A. Ionova and G. Saad (Eds.), ConSOLE XXV: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. (paper)
- Caha, P., De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2017). The fine structure of the comparative. Lingbuzz/003790. (paper)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2017). ‘The word-morpheme distinction–an epiphenomenon?’, What is a word?, Zurich Center for Linguistics, December 14-15, 2017. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2017). ‘Reinterpreting the Root Suppletion Generalisation’, SinFonIJA, Dubrovnik, October 23-24, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). ‘Te wel of niet (te) hoeven (te) plaatsen. Variation in te-placement in Dutch non-finite verb clusters’, ComSyn meeting, Leiden, October 12, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). ‘Te wel of niet (te) hoeven (te) plaatsen. Variation in te-placement in Dutch non-finite verb clusters’, Syntax Interface Lecture, Utrecht, October 9, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). ‘To place your te or not, and if so, where? Variation in te-placement in Dutch non-finite verb clusters’, CGSW 32, Trondheim, September 14, 2017. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G., (2017). *ABA revisited: Evidence from Czech and Latin degree morphology. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. 2(1), p.69. DOI:
- Craenenbroeck, J. van and T. Temmerman. (2017). The study of ellipsis in natural language: empirical and theoretical perspectives. To appear in: Craenenbroeck, J. van and T. Temmerman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. New York: Oxford University Press. (paper)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van. (2017). Sluicing as sharing. In: LaCara, Nicholas, Keir Moulton, and Anne-Michelle Tessier (eds.), A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson. Linguistics Open Access Publications 1. Massachusetts: ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. 389-399. (paper)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. and De Clercq, K. (2017). ‘Markedness and *ABA’, Markedness: Perspectives in Morphology and Phonology, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 13-14 July 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). ‘Te-raising in Dutch non-finite verb clusters’, TEAM, Padua, June 22, 2017. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van and M. van Koppen. (2017). ‘A micro-perspective on variation and universals’, Variation and Universals in Language. The implications of typological evidence for formal grammar, Crecchio, 9-11 June, 2017. (slides/position paper)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van. (2017). ‘Expletives in space’, Workshop on the (in)flexibility of syntactic categories, Utrecht, 2 June, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). ‘Restructuring non-finite verb clusters in Dutch’, CamCoS 6, Cambridge, May 5, 2017. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2017). ‘Adjectives and Negation: deriving Contrariety from Contradiction’, Linguistic Society of Belgium, Spring Meeting, Antwerp, May 5, 2017. (slides)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van and M. van Koppen. (2017). ‘Look! Kaatje is still not heard sing a song (even without government)’, GLOW workshop “What happened to government?”, Amsterdam, March 18, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, C. (2017). Te-raising is clitic climbing. Ms. KU Leuven. (paper)
- Sonnaert, J. (2017). ‘Person and Number: 3rd Person vs. Plural’, 2017 Debrecen Workshop on Pronouns, Debrecen, February 24-25, 2017. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2017). ‘Why affixal negation is syntactic’. In: Aaron Kaplan, Abby Kaplan, Miranda K. McCarvel, and Edward J. Rubin (eds). Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 151-158. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. (paper)
- Craenenbroeck, J. van and T. Temmerman. (2017). ‘How (not) to elide negation’ Syntax 20(1):41–76. (paper)
- Fraser, Katherine and Cora Pots (2017). ‘Motion verbs in progress: A cross-linguistic study of expressive meaning’, 18th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, March 5, 2017. (handout)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2017). ‘Comparative root suppletion: DM vs. Nanosyntax’, TIN-day, Utrecht, February 4, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, Cora (2017). ‘Variation in te-placement in Dutch infinitival three-verb clusters’, TIN-day, Utrecht, February 4, 2017.
- M. Hladnik, S. Leufkens, T. Temmerman, W. Harwood, J. van Craenenbroeck, and N. Corver. (2017). ‘The syntax of idioms database. New evidence from Dutch dialects’, TIN-day, Utrecht, February 4, 2017.
- Sonnaert Jolijn (2017). ‘The Atoms of Person. Limitations on Concept Formation’, ConSOLE XXV, Leipzig, January 4-6, 2017. (slides)
- Pots, Cora (2017). ‘Displaced morphology in Dutch: variation in non-finite verb clusters’, ConSOLE XXV, Leipzig, January 4-6, 2017. (slides)
- Temmerman, T., W. Harwood, M. Hladnik, and S. Leufkens. (2016). ‘On the syntactic regularity of idioms. New evidence from Dutch dialects’, CRISSP 10, Brussels, December 15, 2016. (slides)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2016). ‘Quantity and quality in linguistics (Or: Tackling a microvariationist’s frustrations)’, CRISSP 10, Brussels, December 15, 2016. (slides)
- Pots, Cora (2016). ‘Displaced morphology in Dutch: variation in non-finite verb clusters’, CRISSP 10, Brussels, December 15, 2016. (slides)
- Sonnaert, Jolijn (2016). ‘Plural is not “+3rd person”’, CRISSP 10, December 15, 2016. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘Splitting up the comparative. Evidence from Czech’, CRISSP 10, Brussels, December 15, 2016. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘A constraint on double negation’, The Word and the Morpheme, Berlin, September 22-24, 2016. (poster)
- Sonnaert, Jolijn (2016). ‘A Kite Analysis of Person’, LogiCon, September 20, 2016. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘Person and Number in Pronouns and the ABA’, SinFonIJa 9, Brno, September 15-17. (handout)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘Adjectives and the Ban on Double Negation’, SinFonIJa 9, Brno, September 15-17. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2016). ‘Expletives, locatives, and subject doubling’. (manuscript)
- Sonnaert Jolijn (2016). ‘Limitations on Concept Formation in Personal Pronouns’, LOT Summer School, July 9, 2016. (poster)
- Sonnaert, Jolijn (2016). ‘Limitations on Concept Formation in Personal Pronouns’, LangUE, June 16, 2016. (poster)
- Pots, C. (2016). ‘Object definiteness effects in Germanic wh-extraction’, 37th TABU-dag, Groningen, June 3, 2016. (handout)
- Sonnaert, Jolijn (2016). ‘Limitations on Concept Formation of Person’, BKL Taaldag, May 13, 2016. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘Suppletion in Czech Comparatives’, BKL Taaldag, May 13, 2016. (handout)
- Pots, C. (2016). ‘Object definiteness effects in Germanic wh-extraction’, BKL Taaldag, May 13, 2016. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. and M. van Koppen. (2016). ‘Qualitatively and quantitatively correlating microvariation: parameter interactions in Dutch dialects’, CamCos 5, Cambridge, May 5-7. (handout)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘A constraint on double negation’, WCCFL 34, Salt Lake City, April 29-May 1. (poster)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. and M. van Koppen. (2016). ‘A microparameter in a nano parametric world’, GLOW 39. Göttingen, April 5-8. (poster)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2016). ‘Negative Adjectives: Evidence from Czech’, KrowFest, April 1. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2016). ‘Handle your verb clusters with care’, Dealing with bad data in linguistic theory, Amsterdam, March 17-19. (slides)
- Harwood, W., M. Hladnik, S. Leufkens, T. Temmerman, N. Corver and J. van Craenenbroeck. ‘The syntax of idioms: a cross-dialectal perspective’, Linguistics in the Netherlands. Utrecht, February 6. (slides)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2015). ‘A Puzzle in Gradable Adjectives’, Morphology Days Leuven, December 17-18. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. and M. van Koppen. (2015). ‘Lexical items moving up the tree: grammaticalization of ECM-verbs in Dutch’, DiGS 17. Reykjavík, May 29-31. (poster)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2015). Verb clusters redux. CGSW 30. Chicago, May 22-23. (slides)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2015). ‘When statistics met formal linguistics: variation in Dutch verb clusters’, GLOW 38. Paris, April 15-17. (slides)
- Rooryck, J. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2015). ‘Morphological Transparency and the Delay of Principle B Effect’. Lingua 155, pp. 121–139. (link)
- De Clercq, K. and Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2015). ‘A Puzzle in Gradable Adjectives’, BKL Taaldag, May 9, 2015. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2015). ‘Quantity and quality in linguistic variation: the case of verb clusters’, Research seminar talk. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris, February 6. (slides)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2015). ‘The feature structure of pronouns: a probe into multidimensional paradigms’, Syntax Interface Lectures, Utrecht, January 19, 2015. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J., Temmerman, T. (2015). ‘How (not) to elide negation’, Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven/USL. (manuscript)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014). ‘Quantifying dialect Dutch verb clusters’, Dialect syntax: the state of the art. Frankfurt am Main, December 5-6. (slides)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014), ‘The signal and the noise in Dutch verb clusters. A quantitative search for parameters’, Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven. (manuscript)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J., Van Koppen, M. (2014), ‘When Flanders met Brabant: Microvariation in the Dutch C-domain’, Macro- and micro-comparative approaches to complementizers and the CP phase, Campo Santa Margherita, Venice, October 21-22, 2014. (handout)
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘On derivational affixes and the functional-lexical divide’. (manuscript)
- Aelbrecht, L., Harwood, W. To appear. ‘To be or not to be elided: VP ellipsis revisited’, Lingua. (manuscript)
- Harwood, William. (2014). ‘Being progressive is just a phase: celebrating the uniqueness of progressive aspect under a phase-based analysis’, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. (manuscript)
- De Belder, M. (2015). ‘The root and nothing but the root: primary compounds in Dutch’, Syntax. A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research.
- Janosi, A., Van Craenenbroeck, J., Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2014). ‘Long split focalization in Hungarian and the typology of A′-dependencies’, Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics, 150, 117-136. (link)
- De Belder, M., Faust, N., Lampitelli, N. (2014). ‘On a low and a high diminutive’, In: The syntax of roots and the roots of syntax: Oxford studies in theoretical linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘The trigger of irregular diminutives in Dutch and Yiddish’, CGSW, York, 26-27 September 2014.
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014), ‘Reverse Dialectometry: geography as a probe into linguistic theory’, Workshop Maps and Grammar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-18 September 2014. (presentation)
- De Belder, M., Van Koppen, M. (2014). ‘One module, different levels of merge: AN(N) compounds in Dutch’, Studia Linguistica.
- Seuren, P. A. M., Jaspers, D. (2014). ‘Logico-cognitive structure in the lexicon’, Language 90 (3), 607-643. (link)
- Roelandt, K. (2014), ‘(The) most in Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity’, SLE 47th Annual Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 11-14 September 2014. (poster)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J., De Belder, M. (2014). ‘How to merge a root’, Linguistic Inquiry.
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2014), ‘The feature structure of pronouns and the ABA-diagnostic ‘, SLE 47th Annual Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 11-14 September 2014. (handout)
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘A bare root position in Dutch compounds: an empirical challenge for nanosyntax’, SLE 47th Annual Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 11-14 September 2014.
- De Belder, M., Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014). ‘On vocabulary insertion’, Linguistic Analysis, 39 (1), 173-210.
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014), ‘On diagnosing complement-taking roots’, Ms. CRISSP/KU Leuven. (manuscript)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2014), ‘Applying quantitative methods to dialect Dutch verb clusters’, Mapping Methods: Approaches to Language Studies, May 8, 2014, Tartu, Estonia. (presentation)
- De Belder, M., Van Koppen, M. (2014). ‘What may cause idiolectal variation? The case of ANN-compounds in Dutch’, WCCFL, Los Angeles, USC, 7-9 March, 2014.
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘The root and nothing but the root: primary compounds in Dutch’, WCCFL, Los Angeles, USC, 7-9 March, 2014.
- Van Craenenbroeck, J., De Belder, M. (2014). How to merge a root. Linguistic Inquiry.
- Van Craenenbroeck, J., De Belder, M. (2014). ‘On functional vocabulary items in root positions’, Labels and Roots, wworkshop at DGFS, Marburg, 3-5 March 2014.
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘The root and nothing but the root: primary compounds in Dutch’, Labels and Roots, workshop at DGFS, Marburg, 3-5 March 2014.
- Roelandt, K. (2014), ‘(The) most in Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity’, Specificity in the Grammar Workshop, Trento, 12 February 2014. (Handout)
- Roelandt, K. (2014), ‘(The) most in Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity’, TIN-dag, Utrecht, 1 February 2014.
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘The root and nothing but the root: root primary compounds in Dutch’, TIN-dag, Utrecht, 1 February 2014.
- De Belder, M. (2014). ‘Against conflation’, Theoretical Linguistics, 40 (3/4), 331-342.
- Roelandt, K. (2013), ‘(The) most in Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity’, INSEMP 2013, Bochum, 11 October 2013. (poster)
- De Belder, M. & Van Koppen, M. (2013), ‘The glass ceiling effect of workspaces: locality and agreement in Dutch ANN-compounds’, CGSW 28, Leipzig, 5 October 2013. (handout)
- De Belder, M., Josefsson, G. (2013). ‘The Germanic complex compound’s marker’, The 28th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW), Leipzig, 3-5 October 2013.
- De Belder, M. (2013). ‘Collective mass affixes: when derivation restricts functional structure’, Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics, 126, 32-50.
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2013), ‘Ellipsis, identity, and accommodation: The case of case’, Identity in ellipsis conference, Leiden, 20–21 September 2013. (handout)
- Roelandt, K. (2013), ‘(The) most in Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity’, ESSLLI 2013 Student Session, Düsseldorf, 12 August 2013. (presentation | preproceedings)
- Roelandt, K. (2013), ‘Towards a fine-grained analysis of Dutch de/het meeste‘, BKL Taaldag 2013, Leuven, 11 May 2013. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. & Van Koppen, M. (2013), ‘Lexical items merged in functional heads. The grammaticalization path of ECM-verbs in Dutch dialects ‘, GLOW 36 Workshop on Syntactic Variation and Change, 2 April 2013. (handout)
- De Belder, M. & Van Koppen, M. ‘One module, different levels of merge: AN(N) compounds in Dutch’. (article)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. & Van Koppen, M. (2013), ‘Object clitic movement feeds subject doubling An anti-intervention effect in Dutch dialects’, DGfS – Theme Session “Interaction of syntactic primitives”, 15 March 2013. (handout)
- Barros, M. & Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2013), ‘Tag questions and ellipsis’, DGfS – Theme Session “Parentheses and ellipsis: cross-linguistic and theoretical perspectives”, Potsdam, 13 March 2013. (handout)
- De Belder, M. ‘The root and nothing but the root: primary compounds in Dutch’. (article)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2013), ‘Do extension gaps exist?‘, TIN-dag 2013, Utrecht University, 9 February 2013. (handout)
- De Belder, M. (2013). ‘Linking phonemes are class markers’, TIN-dag 2013, Utrecht University, 9 February 2013.
De Belder, M., Van Koppen, M. (2013). ‘High fashion in the low countries: AN(N) compounds in Dutch’, TIN-dag 2013, Utrecht University, 9 February 2013. - De Belder, M. (to appear). ‘Collective mass affixes: when derivation restricts functional structure’, Lingua. (article)
- De Belder, M. & Van Koppen, M. (2012). ‘Weinig voorspellends of verklarends. Een antwoord op de constructie-afhankelijke morfologie van Booij’, Submitted to Nederlandse Taalkunde. (article)
- De Belder, M., Faust, N. & Lampitelli, N. (to appear). ‘On a low and a high diminutive’, Submitted to: Artemis Alexiadou, Hagit Borer and Florian Schäfer (eds.) The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (article)
- Temmerman, T. (2012). ‘The syntax of Dutch embedded fragment answers: On the PF-theory of islands and the WH/sluicing correlation’, in: Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Online since 10 November 2012. (link)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. & Temmerman, T. (2012), ‘Negative indefinites are the result of remerge and fusion: Support from ellipsis’, International workshop Ellipsis 2012, Vigo, 9 November 2012. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. & Van Koppen, M. (2012), ‘How to void a phase: Anti-intervention effects with clitic doubling in Dutch dialects’, GIST 6: Complementizer agreement workshop, 17 October 2012. (handout)
- Jánosi, A. (2012), ‘Long split focus constructions in Hungarian: a unified movement account’, Maxi-presentation as part of the PhD project, KULeuven, 10 October 2012. (handout)
- Roelandt, K. (2012), ‘De grenzen van de meeste‘, Mini-presentation as part of the PhD project, KULeuven, 6 September 2012. (slides in Dutch)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2012), ‘The Boundedness Distinction in Adjectives’, SLE 2012, Stockholm, 30 August 2012. (handout)
- Rooryck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2012), ‘Binding theory from first principles’, Reference and antecedence: how far does the grammar reach?, University of Durham, 29 August 2012. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2012), ‘Ellipsis, identity, and accommodation’, 8 July 2012. (article)
- Temmerman, T. (2012), ‘Multidominance, ellipsis and quantifier scope’, PhD dissertation, Leiden University. LOT Dissertation Series 303. Utrecht: LOT. (link)
- Schoorlemmer, E. & T. Temmerman (2012). ‘Head movement as a PF-phenomenon: Evidence from identity under ellipsis.’ in: Proceedings of The 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. (link)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2012), ‘The Absolute-Relative Distinction in Adjectives’, BKL 2012, Université de Liège, 19 May 2012. (handout)
- Jaspers, D. (2012), ‘Logic and Colour’, Logica Universalis, DOI10.1007/s11787-012-0044-y. (link)
- Rooryck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2011), ‘The distribution of pronouns and the Elsewhere Principle’, 44th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logrono, 8-11 September 2011. (handout)
- Jánosi, A. (2011) ‘Long-distance split focalization in Hungarian: movement or base-generation?’, Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 4), 1 September 2011. (handout)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2011), ‘Platonic syntax’, Roots and affixes, University of Utrecht, 1 Sept 2011. (handout)
- Rooryck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2011), ‘Reducing Binding to Agree’, The World of Reflexives, University of Utrecht, 25-27 August 2011. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2011), ‘Platonic syntax’, invited talk at BKL 2011, University of Antwerp, 7 May 2011. (handout)
- De Belder, M. & Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2011) ‘How to merge a root’, Ms. CRISSP/UiL-OTS. (pdf)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2011) ‘Bounded and unbounded adjectives’, TIN-dag 2011, Utrecht University, 5 February 2011 (handout)
- Rooryck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2010) ‘The syntax of spatial anaphora’, Peculiar Binding Configurations, University of Stuttgart, 24-25 September 2010 (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2010) ‘Invisible Last Resort. A note on clefts as the underlying source for sluicing’, Lingua 120:1714-1726. (preprint)
- De Belder, M. (to appear) ‘A morphosyntactic decomposition of countability in Germanic’, to appear in Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 14. (preprint)
- Jaspers, D. (2010) ‘Logic of colours. The mereological algebra of colours’, MIT Ling Lunch, April 8, 2010. (handout)
- Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2010) ‘Bounded and unbounded adjectives’, Belgian Circle of Linguistics, ULB, May 8, 2010. (handout)
- De Belder, M. (2010) ‘Flavors of n°: when derivation restricts functional structure’, Ms. CRISSP/HUB – Uil-OTS/Utrecht University. (pdf)
- Jánosi, A. (2010) ‘Case alternations in long-distance split focalization in Hungarian’, Belgian Circle of Linguistics, ULB, May 8, 2010. (handout)
- Van Craenenbroeck, J. (2010) The syntax of ellipsis. Evidence from Dutch dialects. New York: OUP. (website)
- De Belder, M. (2010) ‘On Breton pluralization’, Ms. CRISSP/HUB – Uil-OTS/Utrecht University. (pdf)