CRISSP Seminar: Bart Geurts

CRISSP is happy to announce another installment in the CRISSP Seminar series:

Lecturer: Bart Geurts (University of Nijmegen)

Title: “Embedded implicatures”: the state of the art

Date & time: November 7 2012, 17.00-18.30

Location: CRISSP/Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Stormstraat 2 (Hermes building), room 3207

Participation: free

“Embedded implicatures”: the state of the art

For about a decade, the interpretation of scalar expressions under embedding has been a much debated issue, with proposed accounts ranging from strictly pragmatic, on one end of the spectrum, to lexico-syntactic, on the other. Since researchers’ introspective judgments tend to agree with the theories they advocate, a number of experimental studies have recently tried to shed light on the issue. In my talk, I will review these experiments, and argue that the extant data favour a pragmatic account.
