Campus: Brussels
Room: B-04-12
Telephone: 02-210 12 62
E-mail: marijkedebelder{AT}yahoo{DOT}com
Curriculum Vitae
Marijke De Belder (°1983) studied Germanic languages at the Catholic University of Louvain. After her studies, she worked as a teaching and research assistant in linguistics and language proficiency at the HUB and the FUSL (2005-2010). In 2008 she became affiliated with Utrecht University, where she started working in 2010 as an international PhD-student. After having worked on her doctoral thesis both at the HUB and at the UU between 2006 and 2011, she defended her thesis Roots and Affixes: eliminating lexical categories from syntax at Utrecht University on September 2, 2011. After her defense she worked for one year as a lecturer at the Dutch department of Utrecht University. After having been rewarded a postdoc grant by the Flemish government (FWO) for the research project Ambiguous words: mismatches between syntax and the lexicon she returned to the HUB to carry out this research.
Research interests
Morphosyntax and the Syntax-Lexicon Interface
- nominal inflection
- roots
- derivational word-formation
- categorial heads
- vocabulary insertion
- compounding